A blog celebrating the creative works of Fiorilla Designs, which include photography and natural soap making.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Welcome to The Flower Garden

Lately, I have been experimenting with still photography again. I am very interested in what I would call "Urban Greenscapes" - the intersection between nature and city. Green against brick, petals reflected in glass, weeds defiantly springing from cracks in the concrete, etc.

To that end, I plan to post some of my experiments here.




D. Flor said...

Thanks Karen!


D. Flor said...

Thanks, Jerry.

I am having a lot of fun returning to a hobby that I had for many years. I was deep into black and white photography (plus developing and enlarging) when I was a teenager. Unfortunately I had to let a lot of that go between college and my subsequent years in business (IT). I have loved nature pictures for years and may try to dig up some old ones too, time and energy pending.

